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How To Make Money Through Freelance Content Writing

Mohsin Ali
6 min readFeb 7, 2021

I know you all have one question in your mind that is this a possibility to make money through writing, even when most of the people are more influenced and diverted towards the video content.

Then the answer is Yes!! you can still make lot of money through writing. You cannot deny the importance of writing. Still most of the people get satisfaction through reading. In this age of internet, everyone is searching for their queries online, so you need ensure that your content should be helping and providing appropriate solutions to your niche.

If you actually want to start your career in writing, then it is important for you to start reading successful blogs in your niche, it will help you to know about the formation of the blog. You will start knowing how to make correct sentence structures, you will get to know how you can attract relevant audience.

Today in this blog we will be discussing successful methods of freelance content writing through which you can generate handsome of income for you.

Start A Blog:

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The first and foremost method is to start your own blog. It will give you an idea about how a blog can be set-up and it will be a best source of your practice through which you will get a grip on your content writing skills.

Blogging will give you an opportunity to build a revenue stream with the help of advertisements and affiliate marketing. As the traffic on your blog increases, your blog will add up in the priority list of the advertisers .

There are certain tips to make a successful blog.

  1. Your Blog should provide relevant and appropriate solutions, which your target audience is looking for.
  2. Your Blog should be properly SEO optimized
  3. You need to write easy and understandable content
  4. Write on the consistent basis.
  5. Provide relevant information
  6. Be up to date with the market trends
  7. Follow Successful bloggers and learn their writing style
  8. To write a successful blog, first you need to write a lot

Find Your Niche:

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Before start a freelance writing, you need to find your niche. Writing on a specific niche will help your audience to know more about you. It will trigger your credibility among your audience.

Whenever you are writing on a single specific area or a domain, it will create more visibility about you, rather than writing on different areas.

Due to this you will be considered as the specialist of that area.

Before selecting a niche you need to evaluate the profitability of that area because not every domain is the high paying. Selecting high valued niche which will give you more opportunities to make money for yourself.

Before selecting your niche, you need to consider two most important factors, first see your area of interest and secondly analyze the potential of the niche and then start writing on it.

Find Out Different Online Platform:

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Once you have done with you niche, now you need to find your clients. There are different platforms through which you can find people and agencies who are looking for your services.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, you should join different groups on Facebook which are related to content writing and blogging. These groups will help you to meet new people, some will be the top notch professionals and some will be Newbies in this field therefore you will get an opportunity to learn from the professionals and to teach young bloggers who are new in the business.

You can also showcase your skills in the group discussions, people will review your profiles and will contact you directly. Social media platforms is the best source of direct hiring and it is the most appropriate one.

Before come to the social media, you should have a considerable amount of portfolio with you, which can help your clients to make perception about you.

Then you can go for different freelance websites, where different people are looking for different services globally. The two main freelance website are Fiverr and Upwork. Build your profile and showcase your services in such an attractive manner that the client should divert to your profile after reading the description.

Create Writing Samples Around Your Niche:

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Don’t wait for the project and than start writing.

Just make your own portfolio around your niche. Start writing articles and blogs related to your relevant market. First and foremost thing is this, it will help you to get more practice and you will get more experience of writing . Secondly as your portfolio will increase you will have more opportunity to attract quality clients.

Portfolio depicts your credibility within your target market. It shows your experience and expertise in the specific niche.

According to me when you are creating your portfolio, it will automatically enhance your information.

I will highly recommend you to make your writing profile and enhance your quality and you will see the ratio of getting orders will grow exponentially.

Enable Your Social Media Presence :

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

You know the significance of social media now a days.. More than a billion people around the world use these social media platforms so we cannot deny the importance of our product marketing on these channels.

You need to enable your loud presence on these platforms so that your desired target market can find you in the easiest manner .

Make your content so attractive and eye-catching that you stand out in this acute level of competition.

If you are posting daily content on your social media pages along with the link of your blog, I am damn sure that you will see a huge diversion of traffic from social media to your blog.

You should be active in all blogging and content writing groups, do comment on the posts also give your point of views in the group discussions. With these kind of activities you will be noticed by the relevant audience.


These are some points which I have shared with you in regards of Freelance content writing. These suggestions are totally derived from my personal experience. These all points are highly executable and actionable.

So if you actually want to start your career in the field of writing and you want to get orders as a freelance writers than you should follow these above mentioned points and you will see how a rapid in the clients ratio.

Just remember one thing, success never comes overnight, it will take time and you need to be consistent in your efforts.

I hope this blog has cleared your confusions in terms of freelance content writing and do let me know about your strategies which you are doing right now in the below comments. I will also learn from you.

Photo by Neel on Unsplash

Thank You



Mohsin Ali

I’m Mohsin and I have a passion for writing. I enjoy writing on a variety of topics mainly in the field of Human Resources and Talent Management.